Become a Member of the Association Today!

We are very happy to announce that the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong is finally open to membership applications. You can find the online application here. If you want to be publicly listed as a member, please don’t forget to fill out your passcard (formerly openname), which you can register using the Namecoind client or Onename. We can also warmly encourage you to register for our forum. We will enter you to our ‘members only’ section soon after your application is received.

Membership fee for the year 2015/2016 is set at 0.13 Bitcoin.

As a member of the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong you enjoy full access to the community and the association. You enjoy voting rights, profit from networking and education events and help influence the quickly changing landscape of Bitcoin in Hong Kong.

If you have any concerns, comments, questions or ideas, comment below using our forum or contact us directly at